Rihanna donates $ 15 million to climate change issues.


Singer Rihanna, quite successful in her career as a singer but also as a businesswoman, created her foundation in 2012, while last year she was named the national heroine of Barbados, on the occasion of the proclamation of the republic. Singer Rihanna’s foundation is known to have recently donated about $ 15 million to climate change issues. Through her Clara Lionel Foundation, the 33-year-old has split the money between 18 organizations working on climate issues, including the Climate Justice Alliance and the Movement for Black Lives.

Justine Lucas, executive director of the Clara Lionel Foundation said in a statement to the media that: “Climate disasters, which are increasing in frequency and intensity, do not affect all communities equally, as colored communities and island nations face weight. In this spirit, we are proud to be donating $ 15 million to 18 climate organizations across the United States and the Caribbean, in partnership with the #StartSmall movement, Jack’s philanthropic initiative Dorsey: These grants support centralized and led entities led by women, youth, African Americans, Native Americans, people of color, and the LGBTQIA + community. are at the forefront of the climate justice movement. “

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