Rapper Fetty Wap was released on a $ 500,000 bail after being arrested for a drug case.


The musician, whose legal name is Willie Junior Maxwell II, was arrested by the FBI on October 28 and has pleaded not guilty. Rapper Fetty Wap was released on a $ 500,000 bail.

He is one of six defendants in the federal case, which claims a scheme to distribute more than 100 kilograms or more than 220 pounds of drugs to dealers who then sell them in New Jersey and Long Island.

Fetty Wap, 30, was called a “kilogram redistributor” by federal prosecutors.

Others are suspected of being involved in buying and transporting drugs from the West to the East Coast for processing and resale, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York said in a statement last week.

According to authorities, the drugs included cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl. The FBI’s deputy chief executive called the general scheme a “drug pipeline” that stretched for thousands of miles. The District Attorney in Suffolk County, New York, described him as “a drug wholesaler.

Court documents say a judge approved the claim and he was released on $ 500,000 bail. The rapper is allowed to travel for professional tours, only with approval. He is also subject to GPS monitoring at release and has been ordered not to have contact with any co-defendants.

The six defendants, including Fetty Wap, are charged with conspiracy to distribute and possess controlled substances. Five of them, but not the rapper, are also accused of using firearms in connection with drug trafficking.

Fetty Wap is best known for his 2014 hit, “Trap Queen,” which reached number two on the Billboard Hot 100 in 2015. He was nominated for two Grammys for this song, one for Best Performance rap and the other for best rap song.

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