In a post on her instagram account this Friday Kylie Jenner simply wrote “Wolf Webster” with a heart emoji on a black background. She announced his birth via Instagram on February 6 with a black and white photo and the simple caption “2/22/22”. The sharp choice of parental name follows the Kardashian-Jenner precedent of choosing unique, instantly fashionable names: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s children are named North, Chicago, Saint and Psalm; Khloé’s daughter with Tristan Thompson comes from True; and Wolf’s older sister is named Storm.
The announcement of Kylie’s baby’s name may come as a surprise to those who accepted a certain theory on TikTok, where it was speculated that the name of the Keeping Up With Kardashian star and Scott’s son would be related to the time he was born, the holiday of Valentine. The network expected their baby to be called “Valentine”.
Some people also speculated that because of his birthday, the little boy’s name would be Angel, a reference to “angel numbers”, which in numerology is a series of repeated numbers.
Another thing about Wolf’s birthday that fans noticed, is the fact that he was born just one day after his older sister Stormi, who made the little girl the object of some funny memes. “Storm Webster realizing that there will be a joint birthday party for the rest of her life now that Kylie Jener and Travis Scott’s new baby was born on February 2, a day after Storm’s birthday on February 1,” they wrote. fans on Twitter.