Cardi B the iconic award-winning rapper and celebrity entrepreneur, just joined the Playboy family, who named her as their new Creative Director. The first creative director at the mansion, Cardi B, has officially joined Playboy, the iconic and legendary lifestyle brand, to offer fashionable artistic direction, wellness products, digital editorial content and more.
Together, they will expand the brand and reach a wider community.
“It’s a dream come true to officially join the Playboy family. “I can’t believe this is true,” said Cardi B. “For as long as I can remember, I have felt connected to Playboy. It is truly the original platform for uncensored creativity and I am inspired by its extraordinary legacy of fighting for personal freedoms. I have so many ideas already – I can’t wait! ” – she added in an interview given recently.
The newer CENTERFOLD platform will welcome the world’s best creators to connect, interact and build an empowered community of people motivated by different sectors, from fashion to music or culture, and communicate with their fans. This platform is expected to be launched this month.
“Cardi B is a very creative genius and we are absolutely thrilled and honored to bring her extraordinary talent and creative vision to Playboy,” said Ben Kohn, Chief Executive Officer of PLBY Group in a statement to Press. “I look forward to seeing what Cardi and our team will develop along with our design skills. I also can’t think of a better creative visionary to collaborate with us at the CENTERFOLD startup. CENTERFOLD will revolutionize the creators’ economy just as PLAYBOY magazine rocked the publishing industry almost 70 years ago, and Cardi B is the perfect person in this new era.”